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You can solve these problems.
I want to start playing golf
I don't know what to do
There's no driving range nearby, and no acquaintances who know a lot about golf. I don't know where to start.
I want to challenge the course debut
I have no courage
I've learned to hit the ball with my own style, but I'm worried about actually going out on the course. I want someone to help me.
First, I want to experience golf
I'm interested in golf, but I'm reluctant to suddenly buy tools. First of all, I want to experience the fun of golf.

if you enjoy playing golf
get better naturally!
hello! I'm Daichi Yu
1 month focus
Course debut package
Debut package that is safe even for inexperienced golfers
Golf doesn't improve just by practicing silently on the practice range.
The Course Debut Package allows you to experience the joy of golf first.
By putting together everything from swing making to the actual course debut in one package, even those who have never played golf can easily take the course.

customer's voice
Mr. Iwabuchi, male in his 30s
One of the good things about Mr. Daichi's teaching is that, first of all, he has helped me to enjoy golf without having a bad image or noticing that I am not good at it. Also, just by organizing your thoughts before the start, you can hit a shot comfortably! What an eye-opener!

Ms. Enokida, female in her 20s
I was not very good at sports, so I was thinking about playing golf, and even though I went out with him several times, the ball didn't fly. I was. I was relieved when I was told, "Don't run the course!"

Other service contents
Regular round lesson Click here for schedule
11,000 yen (tax included) per person
* It is necessary to receive a "golf appraisal" in advance. Your playing fee is not included
©︎ daichi you
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